Welcome to QRlink

The future of career and show networking is here.

What is QRlink?

QRlink revolutionizes contact sharing and networking at career fairs, wholesale shows, and retail exhibitions. With just a QR code scan, seamlessly sync contact information with major providers like Google People, Square, Constant Contact, and Office 365. Perfect for enhancing networking capabilities at any event.


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Completely Free for Universities and Event Hosts

QRlink is offered at no cost to universities and event hosts. We believe in supporting the ecosystem that fosters career growth and business opportunities. When sufficient revenue is generated from employers and sellers, we even give back financially to our partners.

Download QRlink

Enhance your networking experience at career fairs and shows. Get QRlink for your iOS device:

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Privacy and Data Protection

Your privacy is our priority. QRlink uses your data solely to enhance your networking experience. Your contact information is shared only with your explicit consent, adhering strictly to our privacy policies.

Read our Privacy Policy